First Name*
Last Name*
Zip/Postal Code* -
Home Phone
Work Phone x
Cell Phone
Alt Email
Text/Pager Email
Applicant Name*
What is your current age? (You must be 21 years or older to adopt a dog.)*
Driver's License*
Name(s) of spouse/housemate(s)?
What is the above person's relationship to you? (We ask this because we need to know how active the other residents are likely to be with fostering.)
Applicant's Address*
Primary Phone*
Secondary Phone
Which is the easiest way to contact you?* Choose one: Primary phone Email Text Message I am quickly reachable using any of the above
How many adults are in your family/household, including yourself?*
How many children are in your family/household?*
If you have children in your household, what are their ages?
What is the activity level in your home?* Choose one: High (visitors/family often, in-home parties) Moderate (occasional visitors/family) Low (few visitors)
Does any member of your household have an allergy to dogs?* Choose one: Yes No
In what type of home do you live?
Do you own or rent your home* Choose one: Rent Own
How long have you lived at your current address?*
How long do you plan to continue living at your current address?*
If you rent, do you have your landlord's permission to have a pit bull, pit bull mix, or other pit bull type dog on the premises? (Will need to provide written documentation of permission or contact info for landlord)
What is your current occupation?*
Who is your current employer?*
If you live with a significant other, who is that person's employer?*
Do you currently own a dog(s)?* Choose one: Yes No
If yes, please list the name, age, sex, and breed for each, and please indicate how/where you got them. If no please put N/A:*
If you do have other pets, please list them:
Is your current dog(s) spayed/neutered? if you do not have a current dog please put N/a.* Choose one: Yes No N/A
Is your dog(s) current on vaccinations? If you do not currently have a dog please put N/a.* Choose one: Yes No N/A
If you have a dog(s) currently, has he/she completed an obedience training class of some kind?* Choose one: Yes No
What kind of exercise/playtime does your current dog(s) get?
Do you take your current dog(s) to a dog park?* Choose one: Yes No
How much time will the animal spend alone during the day*
Where will the animal be kept when you are home?*
Where will the animal sleep?*
How many hours each day will the dog be without human companionship? (Please explain.)*
Where will the animal be kept when you are not home?*
Do you own a crate?* Choose one: Yes No
If you do own a crate, what size and type is it? (i.e. vari, wire)*
Will the dog spend any time in the garage or basement?* Choose one: Yes No
If yes, please explain:
Is your yard fenced?* Choose one: No Yard Unfenced Yard Yard Partially Fenced Yard Completely Fenced
What type of fence Choose one: Privacy Chain Link Invisible
What is the height of the fence*
If there is a gate, does it have a lock? Choose one: Yes No
Do you have a pool?* Choose one: Yes No
If you have a pool, is it fenced? Choose one: Yes No
Why are you interested in fostering with us?*
Are you looking to foster long-term (until the dog is adopted) or for only a short period of time (a few weeks or months)? Please explain.*
Foster families are required to bring their foster dog to AT LEAST ONE Saturday daytime event a month. Additionally, fosters need to be able to make arrangements with Buster members for Vet Appointments and to meet potential adopters. Please check what days are best for you: Choose all that apply:
Additionally, fosters need to be able to make arrangements with Buster members for Vet Appointments and to meet potential adopters. Please check what days are best for you:*
Are you able and willing to exercise the dog on a regular basis?* Choose one: Yes No
What methods/types of exercise will the dog get?*
Please tell us a little bit about yourself. Make sure to list any skills, knowledge, or experiences that you think might be helpful to the work we do.*
Have you ever been convicted of a crime? If you answer "Yes", please make sure to explain in detail in the space provided.
Have you ever been convicted of animal cruelty, or ordered to relinquish ownership of animals due to cruelty or neglect?* Choose one: Yes No
How did you hear about The Buster Foundation?*
Current Veterinarian's Name, City, and Phone Number:*
I understand that The Buster Foundation will contact my present and past veterinarian to confirm that pets in my care are in good health and up to date on vaccinations. (Please type your name here to indicate your acknowledgment.)*
Name of Personal Reference #1 - not a relative, who you have known for 5 or more years:*
What is this person's relationship to you?*
Name of Personal Reference #2 - Not a relative, who you have known for 5 or more years:*
Name of Personal Reference #3, who you have known for 5 or more years:*
I understand that there will always be an adjustment period for any dog coming into my home. The average adjustment period is from 3-12 weeks, but may be longer depending on the individuals involved. I understand this, and am willing to work on issues with the assistance and advisement from members of The Buster Foundation. * Choose one: Yes No
I certify that the statements made in this foster application are true and correct, and have been given voluntarily. I authorize the Buster Foundation Pit Bull Education & Rescue to verify, in whole or in part, any information provided on this application. I understand that this information may be disclosed to any party with legal and proper interest, and I release The Buster Foundation from any liability whatsoever for supplying such information. I recognize my right, as a volunteer, to discontinue my service at any time and for any reason. I also understand that The Buster Foundation reserves the right to deny or discontinue my volunteer service relationship. As a volunteer, I understand and agree that I shall not, nor shall I expect to, receive any form of payment--including cash (wages), food, clothing, shelter or other kinds of payment for volunteer talents and services I contribute to The Buster Foundation except in cases where such payment has been pre-approved by a majority of The Buster Foundation's Board of Directors. (Please type your full name and the date in the space provided to note your agreement and signature.)*